Vermillion #12 Recalled
DC/Helix Comics, September 1997.

This could be a double-recall!
The first print of Vermillion #12 went out without real content on the letters page: the layout was mocked up with Latin nonsense and somehow the book made it to print without anyone adding the real letters or noticing the error.

DC recalled the book but, allegedly, the printer (Quebecor) made an error themselves and bound the book starting at page 8 putting the story out of sequence!
The second error was quickly rectified with a third print of the book so there are apparently 3 different versions of Vermillion #12 out there. For the moment this page will focus on the initial recalled version but we will add the second error variant once more information is available.
Below are extracts from the first print and final print, showing the very obvious letters page differences:

Below is the Diamond recall/destroy notice for the first error print (ref: MAY970368):-

In terms of numbers it is not known how many issues of the letters page error variant were pulped but they were seemingly only available to a limited number of distribution centers so would only be a proportion of the overall print run (which was only around 6,000). They are sporadically available on auction sites such as ebay so can be obtained but they are fairly rare.