Rarity Scale:
The rarity scale below is based on estimated quantities of comics printed and distributed world-wide. As most publishers do not disclose actual print run data, the numbers for each issue listed on the website are just estimates and should be treated as such, also the number that actually exist today will likely be smaller and, in some cases, much smaller!

Note: This is an arbitrary (informal) scale employed on this website with a simple smiley rating.
Rare Comics: 101-1,000 copies
- Print run (rarity): 101-1,000 (see notes in page footer)
- Price: actual sales over $100 for an individual issue in NM (Near Mint) condition raw or over $200 for CGC or CBCS 9.4 (i.e. equivalent raw NM grade is over $100)
- 1963 (1993): Platinum and Gold Variants (plus ashcans)
- 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #1 Retailer Sneak Peek
- Absolute Carnage #1 Select Variants 1:500 1:200
- Action Comics #869 (2008) [Recalled]
- Action (New 52) #1 1:200 Sketch variant (2011)
- Afterlife With Archie #1 NYCC Zombie Variant
- Alan Moore CGC Signature Series
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Freshman Force #1 Cease and Desist!
- All Star Batman And Robin #8 RRP Edition
- All Star Batman Robin #10 Curse (2008) Variant [Recalled]
- All Star Comics #1 RRP Edition
- Amazing Spider-Man #194 Yellow Stripe Variant (1979)
- Amazing Spider-Man #648 J. Scott Campbell Variants
- Amazing Spider-Man #667 Dell'Otto Cover Variant
- Amazing Spider-Man #678 Mary Jane Venom Variant
- Amazing Spider-Man #700 Steve Ditko Variant
- Amazing Spider-Man #800 Selected Variants
- Amazing Spider-Man (2015 series) #25 1:1,000 Remastered variant
- Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat #1 (2010) Campbell Variant
- Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel Authentix) #1 DF Variants
- Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #1 & #2: 35 cent variants
- Archer & Armstrong Forever #1 Burnt Wood Edition (2022)
- Archer & Armstrong One Percent #1 1:30 Gold Variant (2014)
- Archie #700 Art Baltazar ComicBooks for Kids (CB4K) Variant (2019)
- Avengers #77 Newstand Price Error Variant (2004)
- Avengers #25 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:200 RI Ross Sketch
- Avengers #675 Alex Ross 1:200 Sketch Variant (2018)
- Avengers: Start Your N.G.E.N.S! #1
- Avengers vs Infinity #1 Lin Variant [Recalled]
- Batman #608 - Retailer Roundtable Program (RRP) variant
- Batman (2016 Series) #50 - Lee & Williams Diamond Retailer Exclusive
- Batman (2016 Series) #92 Retailer Appreciation variant by Jorge Jimenez
- Batman #125 (2016 Series) 1:250 & 1:500 Variants
- Batman (New 52) #1 1:200 Sketch variant (2011)
- Bee and Puppycat #7 Recalled Cover C: 1:15 R.I.
- Before Watchmen:Jim Lee 1:200 #1 Variants
- Birth of the Defiant Universe, The (One-Shot Retailer Promo)
- Black Hammer #1 Dustin Nguyen SDCC 2016 Variant
- Black Hole, The #4 - Rare Whitman (multi-pack only)
- Black Panther #1 (2009) J. Scott Campbell Partial Sketch
- Black Panther (2018) #1 Jack Kirby Remastered Variants
- Bloodshot #1 Chinese Edition (2015)
- Bloodshot Reborn #10 Jeff Lemire 1:100 R.I. Cover
- Bloodshot Salvation #1 Brushed Metal Cover
- Boys, The: Dear Becky #1: Cohen Virgin Megacon Variant
- Boys, The: Dear Becky #1: Scorpion Comics Cohen Exclusive Variant
- Boys, The: Dear Becky #1: Rafael Grassetti Homelander Virgin Variant
- BRZRKR #1 Meyers 1:1000 (Boom!, February 2021)
- Cable And X Force #1 1:150 Deodato variant
- Captain America (2011) #1 Tolibao STGCC Variant
- Captain America #22 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- Captain Marvel #13 Conner 1:30 Cover Variant
- Captain Marvel #14 Conner 1:30 Cover Variant
- Captain Marvel, Life Of #1 Artgerm 1:200 Virgin Variant(2018)
- Captain Marvel, Life Of #3 Quesada Virgin Variant 1:100 (2018)
- Champions #1 (2016) 1:1,000 Mike Hawthorne Cover
- Civil War II #0 1:1,000 Land Variant
- Comic Smorgasbord #1 (BotCon 1994 exclusive)
- Copra #1 and #2 Michel Fiffe (2012)
- Cry for Dawn #3 - Horror Con Variant
- Cursed Pirate Girl #1: Self Published (Comixpress) 2006
- Daken Dark Wolverine #4 Djurdjevic 1:75 Variant (2011)
- Danger Girl #2 Ruby Red Smoking Gun Variant (1998)
- Daredevil #1 (Marvel Authentix) Sketched Cover
- Daredevil #1 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- Daredevil #600 Frank Miller Remastered Variants
- Daredevil #612 J. Scott Campbell Variant
- Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade Jim Lee 1:500 (2016)
- Dark Nights Metal #3 Francesco Mattina Virgin Variant (2017)
- Dark Red #1 Shannon Maer Cover Variants
- Dead Rabbit Ashcan (2018) [Recalled]
- Death of Wolverine #1 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- Death The High Cost Of Living #3 Error Edition (1993)
- Deathzone: Self-published by Michel Fiffe, May 2012
- Department of Truth #1 Select Foil Variants (2020)
- Department Of Truth #18 McFarlane variants (2022)
- Descender #1 Select Variants (2015)
- Detective Comics #1000 Alex Ross Classic Cover (2019)
- Diamond Retailer Summit (DRS) Variants
- Die #1 "Virgin" Edition (2018)
- Divinity (2015) #1 La Rosa 1:40 Retailer Incentive Variant
- Donald Duck #222 - Rare Whitman (multi-pack only)
- Doom #1 Convention Edition (1996)
- Ducktales #1 SDCC 2011 Exclusive "8-bit" variant
- East of West #1 Diamond Retailer Summit 2013 Variant
- Eight Billion Genies #1 Forstner Bird City Comics Variant 2022
- Elantra Coupe Owner's Manual: Zombie Survival Edition 2013
- Elflord #1 (Nightwynd Productions, June 1980)
- Elric #1 Error Edition (1983)
- Elseworlds 80-Page Giant "Microwaved Baby" (1999) [Recalled]
- Eternal Warrior (Vol.2) #5 David Mack 1:50 Cover Variant (2014)
- Evil Ernie #1
- Fables #6 - Retailer Roundtable Program (RRP) variant
- Fallen Son: The Death Of Captain America #4 Error Ed.(2007)
- Fantastic Four #587 - Black Logo Signed variant (2011)
- Fantastic Four #1 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- Fantastic Four #1 (2018) George Pérez Remastered Variants
- Farlaine the Goblin #1 Unreleased First Print
- Fashion Beast #1: NY Cover "lettered" edition
- Flash (New 52) #1 1:200 Sketch variant (2011)
- Future Fight Firsts: Crescent & Io #1 Lee 1:100 Variant
- Future Fight Firsts: Luna Snow #1 Lee 1:100 Variant
- Future Fight Firsts: White Fox #1 Lee 1:100 Variant
- Gamora #2 Francesco Mattina 1:25 Retailer Incentive Variant (2017)
- Gen:Lock #6 Recalled Edition (2020)
- Ghost-Spider #2 Momoko 1:25 Variant (2019)
- G.I. Joe #21 Renegar Silver Foil Variant
- G.I. Joe: Cobra #19 Rock Poster 1:10 Variant (2012)
- George Romero's Empire Of The Dead: Act One #1 1:75
- Ghost Rider (2011) #1 Neal Adams 1:50 Retailer Incentive Variant
- Gideon Falls #1 ComicsPro Variant (2018)
- Global Frequency #1 RRP (2002)
- Graphic Fantasy #1 (1982) - First Savage Dragon
- Green Lantern (New 52) #1 1:200 Sketch variant (2011)
- Green Lanterns #6 Recalled Edition (2016)
- Grimm Fairy Tales #57 "Naughty" cover
- Guardians of the Galaxy #18 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross
- Gwen Stacy #1 1:200 Jeehyung Lee Virgin Variant (2020)
- HAHA #1 Alexander Virgin Variant (2021)
- HAHA #1 Gallagher Virgin Variant (2021)
- HAHA #1 Hutchison Virgin Variant (2021)
- HAHA #1 Parsons Virgin Variant (2021)
- Harbinger (2012 Series) #1 Chinese and Gold Editions
- Harbinger #8 Jeff Lemire 1:125 Retailer Incentive Cover>
- Harbinger #25 Kitson 1:50 Variant (2014)
- Harley Quinn #1 Bulletproof Pink Variant
- Hellboy: The Fury #3 Cover Variant
- Hellboy: The Storm #1 Fan Club Sketch Edition (2010)
- Hell To Pay #1 Sliney 1:100 Incentive variant (2022)
- House Of Slaughter #1: Select Variants
- Hunt For Wolverine #1 Kubert Retailer Incentive Variants
- Huzzah! #1 Fanzine (1979)
- Immortal hulk #1: Buscema Remastered Variants 2018
- Immortal Hulk #25 1:200 Green & 1:500 Ross Virgin Variant (2019)
- Incapable Trump, The #1 (NYCC, October 2017)
- Iron Fist #14 35¢ Price Variant
- Ironheart #1 1:50 Incentive Variants (2019)
- Kid Colt #208: 30¢ Price Variant
- Kid Lobotomy #1 1:10 Gold Foil Edition [Recalled]>
- Killmonger #2 Dekal 1:25 Variant (2019)
- Jean Grey #1 J.Scott Campbell Roadshow Exclusive Edition D
- Journey Into Mystery #633: 1:50 Hans Venom Variant
- Justice League #1 (2011) Sketch Variants
- Justice League #51 (2016) Direct Error Edition
- Lady Mechanika #0 LBCC Convention Edition
- League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen #5 (2000) [Recalled]
- Little Lulu #260 - Rare Whitman (multi-pack only)
- Livewire #1 Glass and UV Ink Variant (2018)
- Locke And Key: Welcome To Lovecraft Special Edition 1:10 Variant
- Lone Wolf and Cub: Signed & Numbered HardCover
- Love and Rockets #1 Self-published ©1981
- Lumberjanes #1: Boom! Studios Exclusive Limited Edition
- Malibu Sun #8
- Malibu Sun #13 Back Cover Color Error Variant
- Marauders #1 Dauterman 2nd Print Error Variant (2020)
- Marvel 10¢ Blacked Out Price Variants (1962)
- Marvel 2-In-One #1 John Byrne 1:1000 Remastered Edition (2018)
- Marvel 30¢ Price Variants (1976)
- Marvel 35¢ Price Variants (1977)
- Marvel 75th Anniversary RI Sketch Covers by Alex Ross
- Marvel Comics Presents #4 1:50
- Marvel Legacy (2017) #1 1:1000 and 1:500 Variants
- Marvel's Voices Pride #1 1:100 Rainbow Variant
- Marvel Tsum Tsum #4 Dave Johnson Variant Cover (2017)
- Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1 (2019) Select Variants
- Maxx, The 1,2,3 Ashcans
- Memetic #1 1:20 Incentive Virgin Meme Variant (2014)
- Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty #1 RI Sketch Cover (2005)
- Mickey Mouse #208: rare 1980 pre-pack Whitman comic
- Middlewest #1 Skottie Young 1:20 Retailer Incentive (2018)
- Mighty Avengers #3 Salvador Larroca Eminem Variant (2014)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0 ComicsPro Variant (2016)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1 Pope Gold Foil Virgin Variant (2016)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 Wondercon Panel Exclusive
- Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 Staples Variant (2014)
- Milk And Cheese: The Special Edition (Mail-Away)
- Millennium Edition: Mad #1 Copyright Issue (2000) [Recalled]
- Michael Turner Ashcans and Sketchbooks (2005-2008)
- Millennium Edition: New Gods #1 Embossing Error (2000)
- Miracleman (1985) #1 - Gold & Blue variants
- Miracleman (2022) #0 Peach Momoko 1:200 Incentive Variant
- Miracleman Silver Age #1 Peach Momoko 1:200 Variant
- Mission Impossible #1 Unedited Newsstand Edition
- Moon Knight #1 1:75 Sienkiewicz Variant
- Moon Knight #200 Bill Sienkiewicz Variants (2018)
- Morbius: The Living Vampire #3 Coker 1:50 Variant (2013)
- Mouse Guard #1 - Self-published first print
- Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol.3 #3 (2015) [Recalled]
- Ms. Marvel #2 1:50 Molina Variant
- Negan Lives! #1 Gold Foil Logo variant (2020)
- New 52 1:200 Sketch Editions
- New England Comics Newsletter #14: 1st Tick
- New Mutants #1 Wizard World Philly Partial Sketch Variant
- New Mutants (2019) #1 Artgerm 1:200 Virgin Cover Variant
- Ninjak #0 NYCC 2017 Jason David Frank Photo Cover (2017)
- Ninja-K #1 Brushed Metal Cover Variant by Mico Suayan (2017)
- No Quarter #0
- Nowhere Men #1 Thought Bubble Variant
- Oblivion Song #1 Foil Collector's Edition
- Official History Of Bongo Comics, The #1
- Outcast #1 Skybound 5th Anniversary Blue Sketch Cover
- Phoenix Resurrection #1 Remastered Editions (2018)
- Phonogram: The Singles Club #5 Barcode Error [Recalled]
- Point One, All-New Marvel Now #1 McNiven 1:75 (2014)
- Popeye (Classic) #65 Danovich 1:10 Zombie cover variant
- Pop Kill #4 Hughes Kickstarter Variant (2021)
- Power Rangers #1 1:250 and 1:500 variants (2020)
- Predator #1 Lee 1:500 Virgin Variant (2022)
- Promethea #32 Magical Edition
- PSI-Lords (2019) #1 Marco Rudy Cosmic Metal cariant
- Punisher (2014) #2 Opena 1:50 Retailer Incentive variant
- Red She-Hulk #58 Greg Horn 1:50 Incentive cariant
- Red She-Hulk #59 1:50 cover variant
- Rick & Morty #1 Justin Roiland 1:50 cover variant
- Rick & Morty #1 Johnny Ryan 1:30 cover variant
- Rick and Morty: Lil' Poopy Superstar #1 Hastings Variant 2016
- Sabrina #1 (2019) Adam Hughes virgin variants
- Saga #01 Diamond Retailer Summit variant (and 1st Print)
- Saga #19 2014 DRS Exclusive Edition
- Sailor Moon #11 SDCC 1999 Club Tokyo Pop Exclusive
- Sandman v2 #8 - Editorial cariant
- Sandman v2 #75 2nd Print
- Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country #1 Frison 1:100 (2022)
- Savage Hulk #1 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- Secret Empire Omega #1 1:100 Turner Variant (2017)
- Shadowman Black (Valiant, 2012)
- Shadowman (2018) #1 Glow-in-the-Dark Metal variant
- She-Hulk #1 1:100 Siya Oyum Variant
- Siege: Quesada Color Variants
- Siege: Quesada Sketch Variants
- Siege #3 Deadpool Variant
- Silk #1 ComicsPro Exclusive 2015
- Silver Surfer v3 #50 Foil Error variants
- Silver Surfer: Black #2 SDCC 2019 Camuncoli Color Variant
- Silver Surfer: Black #5 Tormey variants
- Something Is Killing The Children #1 ALA Variant
- Something Is Killing The Children #1 Select Variants (2019)
- Something Is Killing The Children #6 Frison Sketch (2020)
- Sonic The Hedgehog #1 Promo
- Space Usagi #1 Yellow Ashcan (1993)
- Spawn #5 German Chamäleon / Thermo Edition (1997)
- Spawn #189 McFarlane Sketch Variant (2009)
- Spawn #221 McFarlane Amazing Fantasy #15 cover swipe sketch
- Spawn #237 Tradesmart Exclusive
- Spawn #280 Francesco Mattina 666 Variants (2017)
- Spawn #283 Image Expo 2018 Variants
- Spawn #297 Diamond Retailer Summit (DRS) 2019 Exclusive Edition
- Spawn #299 Select Convention Variants (2019)
- Spider-Gwen #16 Dave Johnson 1:50 Retail Incentive Variant
- Spawn #185 Todd McFarlane Headless Variant (2008)
- Spider-Gwen #1 Adam Hughes 1:100 Incentive Variant
- Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #1 Jeehyung Lee Variant (2018)
- Stabbity Bunny #1 Self-Published Convention Edition (2015)
- Stabbity Bunny #1 Self-Published Wizard World Edition (2015)
- Star Wars #1 Skywalker Action Figure Sketch Variant
- Star Wars #58 JTC Negative Space Variant (2019)
- Star Wars #66 JTC Negative Space Variant (2019)
- Star Wars: Age Of Resistance Rey #1: Quesada Variant (2019)
- Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1 Mike del Mundo Calgary Expo Exclusive
- Star Wars: Princess Leia #1 Ross Sketch Variant (2015)
- Star Wars Special: C-3PO #1 Harris Sketch
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars #1 DH100 Special Edition (2008)
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens #1 Quesada Variants
- Star Wars: Thrawn #1 Mattina 1:50 Variant (2018)
- Stuff Of Nightmares #1 Björn Barends Variants (2022)
- Super Goof #61 - Rare Whitman (multi-pack only)
- Superior Iron Man #1 (2015) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 #20 Campbell & Ruffino Variant (2013)
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #1 Buscema Hidden Gem Variant (2019)
- Superman #nn Bradman Private Commission
- Superman, Adventures of #443 Mall Variants
- Superman, The Adventures of #500 - Platinum Error variant
- Superman/Batman #1 DRS
- Superman/Batman #4 German Michael Turner Variant
- Superman: Son of Kal-El #1 Timms 1:50 Virgin 3rd Print
- Superman: The Wedding Album #1 RRP Edition
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 NYCC "White Laird's Photo"
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 Error Edition (1987) [Recalled]
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Special (2009) Error Edition
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles v2 #13 Cover Error (1995)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (IDW) Jetpack Orange Error Edition
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #100 Ultimate Comics Variant
- TMNT / Ghostbusters #1 VACC Gold Variant (2014)
- TMNT: The Last Ronin #1: Aaron Bartling Virgin Variant
- Think Tank Ashcan edition
- The Tick #2 No Die-Cut (1988)
- Thor #1 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- Thor: God of Thunder #2 Acuña 1:50 Variant (2013)
- Thor, The Mighty #700 Adam Hughes 1:100 Retailer Incentive Variant
- Thor, The Mighty #705 Artgerm Virgin Variant
- Thor #1 (2018) #707 Jack Kirby Remastered Sketch variant
- Transformers #12 Coller Ziggy Stardust Variant (2012)
- Transformers #12 Coller Sgt Peppers Variant (2012)
- Transformers Universe #3 Platinum Pass Edition
- Ultimate Spider-Man #1 Target Blue (+DF, White & standard)
- Ultimate Spider-Man #160 Sketch & Signed variants (2011)
- Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #1 Retailer Incentive Variant (2007)
- Uncle Scrooge #179 - Rare Whitman
- Universe X Spidey #1 - Harras Slander (2001) [Recalled]
- Ursa Minor #5 Sanders Variant (2013)
- Vengeance Of Moon Knight #1 "Virgin" Edition
- Venom Vol 3 #1 Gabriele Dell'Otto Virgin Variant (2017)
- Venom Vol 3 #1 Mark Bagley Virgin Variant (2017)
- Venom Vol 3 #1 Todd McFarlane 1:1000 Variant (2017)
- Venom Vol 4 #35 (#200) Jock Virgin Variant (2021)
- Venom Lethal Protector #1 Black Error Variant (1993)
- Venomverse (2017) #1 Todd McFarlane Remastered Cover Variants
- Vermillion #12 (1997) [Recalled]
- Voices (self-published/Comixpress, 2004)
- Walking Dead #1 The Last Wine variant (2019)
- Walking Dead #100 ComiXology Ottley Cover Variant
- Walking Dead #100 Hero Initiative variant
- Walking Dead #100 Lucille & Red Foil Editions
- Walking Dead #115 Midnight Party 'Cover N' Sketch Variant
- Walking Dead #127 2014 DRS Exclusive Edition
- Walking Dead: Here's Negan Preview
- Walt Disney's Comics & Stories #480 - Rare Whitman
- Web Of Spider-Man #100 Foil Error (1993)
- We Can Never Go Home #1 Hot Topic $5.99 Error Variant
- White Widow #1 Bosslogic Covers
- Whitman: Rare Pre-Packed comics from 1980
- Winnie The Pooh #22 - Rare Whitman (multi-pack only)
- Witchblade #76 / Wanted #4 SDCC Error Edition
- Witchblade #150 Cover F: J Scott Campbell 1:25 Incentive
- Wolverine (v1, 1988) #102.5 Fleer Mail-Away Variant
- Wolverine (v3, 2010) #1 Deadpool Retailer Incentive
- Wolverine (v3, 2010) #66 Turner Sketch Variant
- Wolverine V6 #1 Jim Lee 1:500 variant
- Wolverine, All-New #19 1:500 Mattina Venomized Sketch cover variant
- Wolverine Origins #10 "Third Claw" variant edition
- Wolverine, Return of #2 Mœbius Hidden Gem 1:1000 Variant (2018)
- Wonder Woman #38 1:100 Retailer Incentive
- Wonder Woman #600 1:75 Adam Hughes Black & White Variant (2010)
- Wonder Woman (2016) #1 NYCC Gold Foil Variant
- Woody Woodpecker #191 - Rare Whitman (multi-pack only)
- w0rldtr33 #1 Recalled Aaron Bartling CBNS Edition (2023)
- Wytches #1 NYCC Variant (Dustin Nguyen cover)
- X-23 #1 1:75 Retailer Incentive Variant
- X-23 #15 Patrick Zircher 1:50 (2011)
- X-Files #20 SDCC Ashcan Edition
- X-Files/TMNT Conspiracy #1 Corroney Tabloid Variant (2014)
- X-Men, All New #27 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- X-Men: Blue #1 Jim Lee Remastered Variant
- X-Men: Gold #1 Jim Lee Remastered Variant
- X-Men Legacy #211 Wizard World Philadelphia 2008 Edition (2008)
- X-Men Red #1 Jimenez Remastered Variants
- X-Men #1 (2019) Stanley Artgerm Lau 1:500
- X-Men Manifest Destiny #5 Error Edition
- X-Men: Pressman #297 Gold (+others)
- X-Men, Uncanny #29 (2015) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- X-Men, Uncanny #423 Newstand Price Error Variant
- X-Men, Uncanny #500 Sketch Variants
- X-Men, Uncanny #510 Convention Sketch Variant
- X-Men, Uncanny #4 (#623) Mark Brooks Variant
- X-Men, Uncanny #21 (#643) Christopher Artist's Proof Variant (2019)
- X-O Manowar #15 Kotaki 1:50 Variant
- X-O Manowar #15 Kotaki Error Variant
- X-O Manowar (2017) #1 Brushed Metal Monika Palosz Cover Variant
Above is the only known sketch by Alan Moore on CGC Signature Series. Click the picture for more details on other signed books by Moore on CGC Signature Series.
Low Distribution Comics: 1,001-10,000 copies
- Print run (rarity): 1,001-10,000 (see notes in page footer)
- Price: actual sales over $100 for an individual issue in NM (Near Mint) condition raw or over $200 for CGC or CBCS 9.4 (i.e. equivalent raw NM grade is over $100)
Note that the criteria here is quite broad and covers quite a number of comics that many would not consider particularly rare but there are many retailer incentives and other comics of interest here:
- 30 Days Of Night #1 (2002) - First Print and Spiral Bound edition
- A-Force v1 (2015) #1 Adam Hughes Variant
- Action Comics #223 Error Variant (misnumbered #233)
- Adventure Comics V2 #12 (#515) Bermejo Variant
- Albedo #2 Miyamoto Usagi (Usagi Yojimbo) first appearance
- All Star Batman Robin #10 Curse (2008) [Recalled]
- Amazing Spider-Man #300 Chromium reprint (1998)
- Amazing Spider-Man #638 Second Printing
- Amazing Spider-Man #688: Campbell 1:50 cover variant
- Amazing Spider-Man #1 (2014) Marvel 75th Year 1:300 RI Ross Sketch
- Avengers #170 Yellowed Marvel Comics Group (1978)
- Avengers vs Infinity #1 Recalled Regular Cover [Recalled]
- Batman: Bruce Wayne - Murderer? 2014 Recalled TPB [Recalled]
- Bee and Puppycat #7 Covers A & B [Recalled]
- Black Adam: Dark Age #1 Alex Ross Variant (2007)
- Black Cat #1 Campbell Exclusive Cover D: "Le Chat Noir" (2019)
- Black Panther #1 (2016) Alex Ross 1:75 Cover Variant
- Black Widow #6 Campbell
- Bone #1 by Jeff Smith (1991)
- Broadway Video Special Collectors Edition #1
- Caliber Presents #1: First Appearance of the Crow
- CaptainAmerica #602 Tea Bag The Libs Issue
- Captain Marvel #17 Second Print
- Cerebus The Aardvark #1
- Cherry Poptart #1 First Print
- Chew #1 - First Print
- Conan The Adventurer #2 Error Variant (1994)
- Coober Skeber #2 (Highwater Books, Summer 1997)
- Crow, The #1 First Print (1989)
- Daredevil #612 Paulo Rivera TV Variant
- Dazzler #1 (1981) Error Variant
- DC Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 (2011) [Recalled]
- Dead Rabbit Variants (2018) [Recalled]
- Diamond Retailer Summit (DRS) Variants
- Dime Press #4 & SDCC-Comics #2
- Doctor Strange #11 Adam Hughes 1:50 Cover Variant (2016)
- Doom #1 Id Anthology Edition (1996)
- Dreamwalker #0 and The Goon #1
- Edge of Spider-Verse #2 Greg Land Cover Variant
- Elektra Volume 2 #3 "Nude" Edition (2001) [Recalled]
- Eternals #1: 30¢ Price Variant (1976)
- Eternal Warrior #1 "Gold Flat" Error Variant
- Eternal Warrior #27 VVSS Signed & Embossed Edition
- Fantastic Four #110 "Green" Printing Error (1971)
- Fantastic Four v6 #1 Sienkiewicz Exclusive Variant (2018)
- Fashion Beast #1: New York Cover variant
- Fruit of the Loom Presents (1999 flip book)
- Fury of Firestorm (Volume 2) #61 Logo Variant
- Google Chrome (2008)
- Goon, The #1 and Dreamwalker #0
- Gotham City Sirens #1: J.G. Jones 1:25 Cover Variant>
- Grendel #1 and Primer #2 - Comico 1982/1983
- Guardians Of The Galaxy v3 #4 1:50 Campbell Variant
- Hack / Slash: My First Maniac #4 variants [Recalled]
- Halle the Hooters Girl #1 (1998) [Recalled]
- Harley Quinn #1 Adam Hughes 1:25 Variant
- He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #1 Wilkins 1:25 Variant (2012)
- Herobear & the Kid Annual #1 (2013) [Recalled]
- Howard the Duck #1 Ron Lim Gwenpool Variant (2016)
- Hit Monkey One-Shot Second Print (2010)
- Immortal Hulk #2 Gerardo Zaffino Cover Variant (2018)
- Incredible Hulk, The #377 3rd print
- Jenny Zero #1 Recalled Edition (2021)
- Johnny The Homicidal Maniac #1 First Print (1995)
- Justice League #3 (1987) Superman Comics Logo Variant
- Justice League #51 (2016) Newsstand Error Edition
- Ka-Zar The Savage #12 Red Panel Variant
- Knights of the Dinner Table #1
- LCD #0 "Starbucks" parody First Print
- League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1 - Dynamic Forces Cover (1999)
- League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1 - DVD Edition (2003)
- Man Of Steel TPB Raffle Edition
- Marvel 30¢ Price Variants (1976)
- Marvel 35¢ Price Variants (1977)
- Marvel Collectible Classics: ASM #300 Chromium reprint (1998)
- Marvel Collectible Classics: Spider-Man #1 Chromium reprint (1998)
- Marvel Comics #1000 Ramos D23 2019 Expo Color Variant
- Marvel Tron Variants (Published: 2011)
- Masters Of The Universe Dream Halloween Promo 2002
- Matrix, The: Comic Book Preview (1999) [Recalled]
- Maxx, The 1,2,3 Ashcans
- Mind the Gap #2 (2012) [Recalled]
- Miracleman #1 - UK variant
- Miracleman Book #3: Olympus
- Morning Glories #26 (2013)[Recalled]
- Nintendo Comics System Sneak Preview 1990
- Onslaught: X-Men #1 22 Karat Gold Edition (1996)
- Primer #2 and Grendel #1 - Comico 1982/1983
- Peter Panzerfaust #1 First Print, Feb 2012.
- Rai #2 Mask Variant (2014) [Recalled]
- Red Hood: Lost Days #1 Francesco Mattina 1:25 Cover Variant (2010)
- Red She-Hulk #58 Ed McGuinness 1:20 Incentive Variant
- Rick and Morty: Rickmobile Special #1
- Saga #41 (2016) [Recalled]
- Sailor Moon #1 SDCC 1998 Convention Edition
- Sandman v1 #1 - Purple variant
- Sandman v2 #18 Error Edition (1990)
- Sandman v2 #19 Error Edition (1990)
- Scooby Doo Where are You! #7 Advert Error (2011) [Recalled]
- SDCC-Comics #2 & Dime Press #4
- Spawn #1 Black & White
- Spider-Gwen #1 Recalled Comic Kings Tidewater Portacio Edition [Recalled]
- Spider-Man #1 Platinum & Gold UPC Variants
- Spider-Man Vol. 2 #1 Granov Hip Hop Variant (2016)
- Star Wars (1977) #1 35 cent Newsstand Price Variant
- Star Wars (2015) #1 Hot Topic Edition
- Star Wars (2015) #7 Sketch Variants
- Star Wars: Darth Maul #2 David Aja 1:25 Retailer Incentive (2017)
- Strangers In Paradise #1 (First Print)
- Supergirl and the Legion Of Super-Heroes #23 Variant
- Superman & Batman #7: Virgin French Dell'Otto Variant
- Superman v1 #75 Error Variant: Misnumbered #74
- Superman #75 Poly-Bagged Platinum Edition
- Supergirl #33 (2019) Recalled Editions
- Superman #14 (2019) Recalled Editions
- Tangled Web #1 Recalled (2001) [Recalled]
- Teen Titans #75 Adam Hughes 1:25 Variant Cover
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 - first print (May 1984)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 - second print (June 1984)
- Thanos #13 Rafael Albuquerque 1:25 Cover Variant (2018)
- Thor, Mighty #700 Zdarsky Error Variant
- Thor #1 (2018) #707 Jack Kirby Remastered Color variant
- Turtlemania Special #1 White Variant
- Ultimate Fallout #4 1:25 Djurdjevic Variant
- Ultimate Spider-Man #1 - DF & White Variants (+Blue & Standard)
- Vampirella #113 - 1st Harris Comics issue
- Venom Vol 3 #1 Todd McFarlane Limited Sketch Variant (2017)
- Venom Vol 4 #9 (#174) Campbell 1:10 Animation Variant (2019)
- Voltron: A Legend Forged #1 Jenny Frison Variant (2008)
- Walking Dead, The #1,2,3,4,5 & 6
- Walking Dead #35 Error Variant
- We Can Never Go Home #1 Hot Topic $4.50 Variant
- Winter Soldier #1 Dell'Otto 1:50 Cover Variant
- Wolverine v1 #131 Racial Slur Variant [Recalled]
- Wolverine v1 #145 Nabisco Mail-Away Variant
- Wolverine V6 #1 John Tyler Christopher Virgin Variant
- Wonder Woman #600 (2010) 1:25 Adam Hughes Color Variant
- Wonder Woman #28 (2014) Jones 1:25
- Wonder Woman (2016) #1 SDCC Silver Foil Variant
- w0rldtr33 #1 Recalled Bill Sienkiewicz Incentive 1:25 Cover D (2023)
- X-23 #1 1:25 Retailer Incentive Variant
- X-Force, Uncanny #20 1:50 Paul Renaud "Venom" Variant
- X-Men: Pressman Variants
- X-Men, Uncanny #21 (#643) Christopher Regular Variant (2019)
Common Comics: 10,001-100,000 copies (see notes in page footer)
- Adventures Of Superman, The #596 Twin Towers (2001)
- Air Pirates Funnies #1 and #2 (including error variants)
- Conan Demons of Khitai 3 Nude Advert Issue (2005)
- DC Presents: Metal Men #1 Recalled
- DC Universe Decisions #1 Recalled? (2008)
- Dead Rabbit Recalled Comics (2018) [Recalled]
- Doctor Strange The Sorcerer Supreme #15 Amy Grant (1990)
- Eminem/Punisher #1 Promo (2009)
- Green Lantern (New 52) #1 Error (2011) [Recalled]
- Green Lantern Corps v1 #35 Orange Lantern Variant
- Hit Monkey One-Shot First Print (2010)
- Amazing Spider-Man #194 Yellow Stripe Variant (1979)
- Avengers #170 Yellowed Marvel Comics Group (1978)
- Iron Man #15 Yellow bar (1969)
- Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #4 Misprinted Error Edition
- Magnus Robot Fighter #57 Switched Pages
- Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1 "Blue Galactus" Error Variants
- Miracleman #15 - Rarest Alan Moore issue
- Miracleman #24 - Last Eclipse Issue (August 1993)
- NFL Superpro #6 (1992)
- Saga #1 1st Print (and Diamond Retailer Summit variant)
- Spider-Man Reign #1 Nude Peter Parker
- Ultimate Spider-Man #1 Standard Edition (+DF, White & Blue)
- Wasteland #5 Error Variant (1988)
- w0rldtr33 #1 Recalled Regular Fernando Blanco Cover A (2023)