Rai #2 Recalled Mask Variant
Valiant Entertainment, June 2014.

There were a number of variants of Rai #2 (2014) produced including a mask variant that was meant to have die-cut dashed lines around the mask, around the eyes and the points to secure the string, so it could be easily pushed out of the front cover.
However, the initial version had the eyes and string holes die-cut out completely, giving Rai distinctive black "computerized" eyes, but lacked the die-cut dashed lines around the mask (hence the mask itself could not be pushed out).

Diamond issued a destroy notice on behalf of Valiant to recall the comic from the shelves, below is an extract:
"Please note that Valiant Entertainments Rai #2 Mask Cover (APR141425), scheduled to arrive in your shipment this week, contains a printing error.
Valiant has requested that you destroy all copies of this edition that you have received. Corrected replacement copies will be sent to you in an upcoming shipment."
Replacement copies of the mask variant (which are also denoted as "First Print") were made available a couple of weeks after the recall/destroy notice and these copies all had die-cut dashed lines for the outline, string holes and eyes (which were all white).

Note that both variants have scissors and the words "DETACHABLE MASK" at the bottom right of the mask; these are not present on the marketing images of the comic and are presumably missing from digital copies! Curiously the marketing image of the comic also has a barcode:

The recalled variant rocketed in price to peak around $80 (on auction sites such as ebay) as soon as the recall/destroy notice hit the stores but the price soon settled back to around 10% of that by mid July 2014 (by which time numerous recalled copies were available for sale).
CGC has categorized this as a "Recalled Edition" and also noted "Recalled due to error" on the label but don't note the actual problem. In Fall/Autumn 2015, CGC had recorded 23 gradings of these (20 in 9.8).
There is no definitive data on the world-wide print run for the recalled variant hence the estimate at the top of the page is not reliable; it is also impossible to estimate the numbers destroyed (but this is likely to be a small percentage of the print run).