Privacy Policy:
Any personal details submitted through this website, such as email address, i.p. address, name and other contact details, will be kept private and will only be used for communication between the representatives of and the submitter. Furthermore, we will endeavor to protect the email accounts where this information is stored.
Note that your i.p. address is used within the website to determine the country where you are currently located (geolocation). This helps us to customize page content to your specific country, such as the ebay links (which are affiliate links and any payments received from ebay are put towards the payment of the website hosting and development). Session variables currently contain the following infomation:
                - I.P. address:
                - Country: US
                - eBay Country: US (711-53200-19255-0 / )
                - Pages Viewed this session: 0
Other details, such as page usage statistics, are anonymously collected through Google Analytics.
Please see this link for more details on their privacy policy:
Google Analytics Overview and Privacy Policy
You can contact us through this page: eMail us and we will assume that you have accepted the policy above.