- Action Comics #869 - Superman drinking "beer"
- All Star Batman and Robin #10 - Curse words
- Avengers vs Infinity #1 Recalled variants
- Batman: Bruce Wayne - Murderer? 2014 Recalled TPB
- Bee and Puppycat #7 Recalled Variants
- DC Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 - Pages out of sequence
- DC Presents: Metal Men #1 Recalled
- Dead Rabbit Ashcan, #1 & #2 (2018)
- Elektra volume 2, #3 - Nude panel
- Elseworlds 80-Page Giant - Microwaved baby
- Gen:Lock #6 Recalled Edition (2020)
- Green Lantern (New 52) #1 - "Tear" Printing Error
- Green Lantern (New 52) #1 - "Tear" Printing Error
- Green Lanterns #6 Recalled Edition (2016
- Halle the Hooter's Girl - Lawsuit
- Herobear & the Kid Annual #1 - Repeated & Missing Page
- Jenny Zero #1 Recalled Edition (2021)
- Kid Lobotomy #1 1:10 Gold Foil Edition Recalled Edition
- League Of ExtraOrdinary Gentlemen Vol.1 #5 - "Marvel" Ad
- Matrix, The: Comic Preview - Too mature
- Millennium Edition: Mad #1 - Incorrect copyright
- Mind the Gap #2 - Dark Pages
- Morning Glories #26 - Repeated & Missing Page
- Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol.3 #3 Recalled
- Phonogram The Singles Club #5 - Wrong barcode
- Rai (2014) #2 - Die-cutting problem
- Saga #41 - Cover Printed Too Dark
- Scooby Doo Where are You! #7 - Advert Error
- Spider-Gwen #1 Comic Kings Tidewater Edition - Indistinct logos
- Supergirl #33 (2019) Recalled Editions
- Superman #14 (2019) Recalled Editions
- Swamp Thing #11 Recalled Due To Suggestive Tentacle (2012)
- Tangled Web (The Thousand) #1 - Wrong Paper
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 - Cover Art Error
- Universe X Spidey #1 - Harras slander
- Vermillion #12 - Latin letters page recall
- Vermillion #12 - Pages out of sequence
- Wolverine v1 #131 - Accidental racial slur
- w0rldtr33 #1 Recalled Editions (2023)
- Wytches #4 Eh! - Incorrect issue number
Comics are verified as recalled using a couple of methods: Firstly they may be verified by the Collectors Society as being recalled and are listed in their "Recalled Editions" competitive comic book set; link below:

As well as standard recalled editions this also lists any variants such as Dynamic Forces or Gold Foil editions. Below is a link to the top sets registered with the Collector's Society:
Recalled Editions: Top setsCGC comics, which are registered within the set above, are graded and encapsulated in plastic to preserve their grade but cannot be read! Each comic is labelled and the labels for the withdrawn comics usually contains the text "Recalled Edition" but may contain other text relevant to the recall notice e.g. "Nude" edition.
Secondly, there may be other comics, not yet added to the set above, which have evidence of a recall from the distributer or publisher; one such as the notice, from Diamond Comic Distributors Inc., shown below:
Elseworlds 80-page Giant - not the rarest recalled comic but certainly in the top five most valuable: