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Guide: $3 NM
Est. qty: 64,000
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Captain America #602
"Tea Bag The Libs" Issue

Marvel Comics, January 2010.

2 Star Rating: Low Distribution 1,001-10,000 Low Dist.

Captain America 602 Cover

Although Marvel have appeared to admit to mistakes in the final rushed editing of Captain America #602, there has been no visible recall notice from either Diamond Comic Distributors or Marvel Comics.

Ed Brubaker, who wrote the story, apparently told he did not write the "Tea Bag The Libs Before They Tea Bag YOU!" sign shown in the edition, insisting that the words were added by someone in "lettering or production" just before being shipped to the printer. It will be changed in subsequent editions, he said.

So the bottom line is that Marvel did not issue a recall notice hence there are a full compliment of issues out there making it easy to come by, however, in the short term some may be hood-winked intopaying over the odds for it on eBay believing it to be recalled (and rarer than it actually is). In fact prices on eBay have cooled now with the issue dropping well under $10 and should drop into obscurity once punters realize it's no rarer than the preceding issues.

Captain America 602 TeaBag

The above image shows an extract from the final panel plus an inked version minus the contraversy.

The full articles from Fox News and the Washington Times can be seen by clicking the links or the pictures above.

Captain America #602 Tea Bag Panels

Captain America #602 "Tea Bag The Libs" Issue:
Right now on eBay