Doctor Strange The Sorcerer Supreme #15 Amy Grant
Marvel Comics, March 1990.

In early 1990, issue #15 of Doctor Strange: Sorcerer supreme, titled "The Vampiric Verses Part 2 of 5", appeared to feature an image of Amy Grant on the cover (from her album "Amy Grant - the Collection").

In April of the same year, Grant sued Marvel Entertainment Group in the U.S. District Court, not for image copyright (as this was the property of the photographer) but for the association of her image with the occult, which, it was argued would affect her standing in the Christian music community.

Apparently the US District Court sealed an out-of-court settlement between Grant and Marvel in early 1991, with a consent decree that Marvel did not admit to any liability or wrongdoing.
The litigation was obviously too late for Marvel to affect a recall hence a full complement of issues are assumed to have been distributed. The issues are still freely available and can be purchased with a very small outlay.
Right now on eBay