League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1 DVD Edition
America's Best Comics 2003.

This version of LOEG #1 was issued as a special edition giveaway with the DVD of the movie of the same name. However, it is thought that the issues were recalled and pulped at the last minute due to mature content.
There is little firm evidence of the recall with no recall notes on the CGC graded copies of this issue so, for the moment, it remains a "possibly" recalled issue.

The standard issue of vol.1 #1 has the following text on the cover identifying the issue, which differs from the Special Edition text above:

CGC had 17 recorded gradings of these in early November 2015 and at least two are known to have been signed by Alan Moore on CGC Signature series!
These are not too difficult to find and there are usually one or two raw or graded copies available on auction sites such as eBay.