NFL Superpro #6
Marvel Comics, March 1992.

Representatives of the Hopi indian tribe found this comic's portrayal of villians, masquerading as Kachinas, offensive to their beliefs and demanded that Marvel removed the comic from sale. Apparently a lawsuit was initiated and the Hopi also shut down the majority of their tourist operations; this made national news in the USA with the story featuring on CNN.

The depiction of the sacred spirit beings was a little unusual as they were represented wearing Kachina masks but bore unorthadox weapons such as nunchaku and chainsaws plus they were referenced as "phony indians" in the narrative. Regardless of the intent of the comic, the Hopi nation felt disrespected and Marvel quickly apologized for any offence caused. However this was a little time after the comic was distributed and any "recall" was likely too late with only some unsold direct editions (plus the usual unsold newsstand editions) likely to have been returned & pulped (hence the number of copies available is likely to be similar to other issues around it).
This comic is fairly easy to get hold of on auction sites such as ebay and is also a fairly cheap purchase!