Est. signed Jul 2011: 38
Est. signed May 2012: 51
Est. signed Sep 2015: 380
Total est. signed: 469
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Alan Moore on
CGC Signature Series
Various comics and magazines, 1982-2015.

It is worth pointing out that Alan Moore has signed many comics over the years but, until July 2011, his signature had not been witnessed by the CGC Signature Series program.
The program first of all requires authorization for any signing with CGC, the signing event is then organized through a CGC authorized facilitator and each comic signed has to be witnessed by a CGC "employee". Once a comic is signed, the witness has to then have full sight of the book until it is either sent or delivered to CGC for grading and encapsulation.
There were two public signing sessions in London England, where Alan's Signature was captured under the program, in July 2011 and also in May 2012. Many thought these would be the only books to be ever signed by Moore on CGC Signature Series as Alan Moore rarely signs comics these days, other than new releases and/or creator owned comics, and he does not attend cons or public signings anymore.
However, in August 2015, Comic Cavalcade (official sales agent of Avatar Press) ran an Alan Moore "Virtual Comic Con" for two weeks selling various Moore material, signed and unsigned, graded and ungraded. Amongst the goodies offered were 50 copies of Crossed +100 #1 in Forest Green Leather on CGC Signature Series, offered at 9.8 or higher! They of course sold out and buyers of the 50 comics had an agonising wait until December 2015 to receive the comics and get the grades.
In early December, it transpired that Comic Cavalcade actually managed to get 122 copies signed: 30 graded 10.0 (!), 22 in 9.9 and 70 in 9.8. None of the 50 copies initially offered for sale and sent to fans were the higher grades hence Comic Cavalcade seems to have kept these back for themselves (this appears very mean given they had changed the original premise of only offering 50 copies...bah! humbug). The additional copies went on sale in the week leading up to Christmas 2015 and the 10.0 grades almost instantly sold out. Also on offer were copies of Alan Moore's Yuggoth Cultures and Other Growths #1 at CGC 9.6 s/s (49 were graded in total: 44 in 9.6, 4 in 9.4 and 1 in 9.2).
In September 2015, Moore also signed 209 copies of Providence #1 but these were not offered for sale by Comic Cavalcade at the time. However, in 2016, 126 were offered (100 on a $295 pledge level and 26 on a $565 pledge level with both levels offering other goodies) to backers of a Kickstarter campaign to support Moore's Cinema Purgatorio. The campaign ended with 51 backers for the two pledge levels that offered the Signature Series books.
In the case of the earlier public CGC Signature series signings, Moore signed a number of his earlier "classics" in the first signing but the second signing was limited to later books (over 50% of the books signed in the 2nd session were books from the various volumes of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series).
Below is a list of known signed comics (quantity signed in brackets):
- Action Comics #583 (1)
- Alan Moore's Yuggoth Cultures and Other Growths (49) - private Avatar signing
- Albion (6)
- Batman: The Killing Joke (7)
- Crossed +100 #1 Forest Green Leather (122) - private Avatar signing
- Essential Vertigo: Swamp Thing (1)
- FF (1) - includes a sketch from Kevin O'Neill
- From Hell (5)
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Compendium (1)
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume 1 (21)
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume 2 (6)
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, DVD Special (5)
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Century 1910 (1)
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Century 1969 (1)
- Lost Girls (4)
- Miracleman (4)
- Mister Monster: Who Watches the Garbageman? (1)
- Mustard, Volume 2, #4, featuring Moore (1)
- Promethea (3)
- Providence #1 (209)
- Saga of the Swamp Thing (6)
- Secret Invasion (1) - with a sketch of Maxwell the Magic Cat!
- Superman #423 (1)
- Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow TPB (1)
- Taboo #2 (From Hell Intro) (1)
- Tom Strong (2)
- Top 10 (2)
- V for Vendetta (3)
- V for Vendetta - DVD Insert Edition (1)
- Warrior (2)

Prices really depend on the book signed with some going for less than $500; the top books will be the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #5 Recalled edition worth around $2,500 (one sold for that in August 2015) but way ahead of that would be Alan's Batman: The Killing Joke in CGC 9.9, the combination of the rare mint minus (MT- / 9.9) grade, the classic comic and Alan's signature putting the value somewhere upwards of $6,000 (maybe much higher and, if it ever sells, we may find out).
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