The Pro. Metal Variant
Image, Published date: 2017.

This is the Metal variant (with a metal cover) limited to 50 copies and ten of these were apparently made available to the public at the 2017 Baltimore Comic Con for $150 each.
She curses, she smokes, she breast-feeds and she blows away the competition.
Just when you think GARTH ENNIS has gone too far, just when you thought it was safe to walk the streets, just when you thought no one would go near the idea of the world's first superhero prostitute... here comes THE PRO!
This one-off was originally published in July 2002 and was written by Garth Ennis with art by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti. Above is the first print and the Signed Limited Convention Edition (a.k.a. "The More Expensive But Cheaper than a Hand-Job Edition") limited to 500 copies. Below are the second to seventh reprints:
When the metal variants appeared in 2017, art prints on metal were also available (apparently limited to 50 of each print), three examples are below:
In mid-February 2021, the CGC census recorded seventeen gradings of the "Metal Variant Cover" with thirteen in the top grade of 9.8, twelve of which were on Signature Series.
At that same time, the CBCS Population Report had no recorded gradings of the Metal variant (note that CGC categorize Pro. as #1 but CBCS as #nn, which seems correct as it does not appear to be numbered).