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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011)
#1 Pichelli Sketch Cover
Marvel Comics, November 2011.

This is the super rare Pichelli sketch cover variant of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1, from 2011, written by Brian Michael Bendis and features the origin of Miles Moralis as Spider-Man.

The comic seems to have been used as a retailer incentive edition in two separate instances:
Firstly for MRRC (Marvel Retailer Resource Center) member shops to host an Astonishing X-Men #51 event, celebrating the gay marriage of Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier) and Kyle Jinadu, where the first 10 shops signing up and emailing pictures of the event would get a copy.

The second instance was by Diamond as an incentive to "Order 5,000 copies of Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (JUN110611D) or Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Bagley Variant (JUN118244D) - or any combination of the two", in this instance the print run of the comic was actually stated as 20. Obviously this begs further questions: were only 10 available for each offer or 30 in total or were more printed?

In addition to the incentive offers above, there is also anecdotal evidence (allegedly from a Marvel source) stating that "far in excess of 10 copies" were created and there was in fact a box of them that were given out at various conventions.
The number of CGC recorded gradings for these was only 5 in late Feb 2015. These are sought after variants so if more than say 20 were around it would be likely that CGC would have graded more, given quite a bit of time has passed since they were printed. There is no definitive number for the print run so all we can do is speculate that it is at least 20 (but could be up to say 80).
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