The Maxx #1, #2, #3 Ashcans:
#1 Image Comics, March 1993:
#2 Image Comics, April 1993:
#3 Image Comics, May 1993:
In the early 90's Image flooded the market with numerous variants of many comics and The Maxx was no exception with multiple variants of #1, including these Ashcans. However, many of these variants went unsold with some collectors fed up with the excessive marketing and unwilling to meet the additional expense to collect them all (original price would have been around $500 for all 12). Image eventually offloaded what they couldn't sell into secondary markets, with some ending up in $1 long boxes and it is very likely that some were even pulped!
The estimated numbers above represent the original print runs, which were also supplemented with a few additional file/artist proof copies. It is possible there is a pile of these in a warehouse somewhere undiscovered and some may be hidden away in anonymous collections but that is a hope and many may actually have been destroyed. All this makes it very difficult to even guess how many of each have survived to this day.
The Maxx has seen some renewed interest of late and at least 3 collectors have managed to accrue a full set of all 12 of the Ashcans. Current prices are also quite healthy, although certain issues can be a little unstable at times such as the #3 yellow, which was thought to be extremely rare but a few have since turned up and the price has settled somewhat.
CGC had 47 of these Ashcans graded in early 2015 and graded numbers are slowly growing. Overall (raw and graded), there are at least 6-7 known copies of #1 Black, 13-14 #2 Black, 4-5 of #3 Black, 9 #2 yellow, 6 #3 yellow and 9 #3 red. It is worth noting that each copy is numbered within issue and variant and the range of known numbered issues seems to indicate that the published numbers for the print runs are accurate and all were signed (although there could have been a number of spares such as those noted as A/P for artist proof).

The Maxx, created by Sam Kieth (original artist on DC/Vertigo's Sandman), ran for 35 issues, all illustrated by Kieth and plotted/scripted by William Messner-Loebs (scripted #1-#15), Alan Moore (plotted and wrote #21) and Kieth (plotted all but #21 and also scripted #16 onwards).
Note that these comics are called "Ashcans", which is a term usually reserved for comics produced for purely legal reasons, which were then trashed e.g. Superman #409 Superhombre logo variant. More recently the term has become synonymous with independent promotional comics and also mini comics (which these are).