Sex Criminals #6
Brimpception Variant
Image Comics, June 2014.

Sex criminals is a humorous series by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky based around Suzie, a librarian, and Jon, an actor, who find they have the ability to freeze time. The series has a cult following and fans named themselves brimpers after a sexual position described in the first issue.
The series was a success, with the first issue having six printings plus a reprint under the "Image Firsts" banner. The creators had a little fun with the fourth print and fifth (actually noted as the second print of the fourth print) and had a photo cover of themselves on the cover holding the first print.

This lead to a couple of brimpers to photograph themselves with the second print of the fourth print, which in turn lead Matt and Chip to photograph themselves with their photograph and the brimpers returned with a photo of that photo, which made it onto this special Brimception variant cover of Sex Crimimals #6!

The Birmception variant was only given out to the comic shop (Fantastic Comics in Berkeley, CA) where the brimpers (Juliette and Heather) worked and the variant had a very low print run of around 100 copies.
Given the low print run, these variants are very hard to come by and realized sales are virtually non-existent. In June 2015, CGC had 7 recorded gradings of this variant, all were 9.6 with the exception of a single 9.8.
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