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Black Panther #1 (2009)
J. Scott Campbell Partial Sketch
Marvel Comics, Published Date: April 2009.

This was a Dark Reign tie-in issue entitled "Deadliest of the Species: Part 1", written by Reginald Hudlin with interior art by Ken Lashley & Paul Neary.
The preview enticed the reader with "The Black Panther is back...and she's badder than ever. That's right -- she! What happened to T'Challa? Who is the new Black Panther? Find out why the female is the deadliest of the species".
A few other covers exist for this issue (above): from top to bottom, left to right we have:
- Standard cover (J. Scott Campbell): direct edition
- Standard cover (J. Scott Campbell): newsstand edition
- Variant Cover (Ken Lashley, Paul Mounts & Paul Neary) - back
- Variant Cover (Ken Lashley, Paul Mounts & Paul Neary) - front
- 70th Anniversary Variant Cover (Marko Djurdjevic)
- Second Printing Variant Cover (Ken Lashley, Paul Mounts & Paul Neary)
The partial sketch cover, according to a Marvel source, "was printed in an extremely low quantity and distributed for free exclusively to fans". This was apparently given out on the last day of NYCC 2009, in the last panel of the day: Marvel's 'Your Universe' Panel (Panel Room 7 1A24 from 3:00-4:00PM). The panel was informal, taking questions from fans, and the panel overran with a significant number of attendees leaving before the end, with the enticement of a free incentive copy of Black Panther #1 not enough to keep them in the room. In hindsight some will certainly regret that decision given the current value of the Campbell incentive edition.
Marvel will have likely printed enough for all the predicted panel attendees and more but very few of these have come to market making them extreemely hard to get hold of. CGC have only recorded 16 gradings (9 in the highest grade of 9.8) as of mid January 2017.
As per the label below, CGC categorize the variant as the "Sketch Cover" with additional comments: "Partial sketch cover".
Realized sale prices for these have been pretty impressive with a CGC 9.6 selling for $1,500 in September 2016 and a CGC 9.8 selling for $2,432 a couple of months previous to that.
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