Mighty Avengers #3 Salvador Larroca Eminem Variant
Marvel Comics, Published date: January 2014 (in shops: 2013-11-06).

This is the "limited" Eminem Salvador Larocca variant cover of Mighty Avengers #3 (Diamond code: AUG138281 ; barcode: 7-59606-07959-9-00331).
The Blue Marvel joins the fight - and the Ebony Maw makes his move! A plague of demons is raging through Manhattan, and the only Avenger who can defeat them is... Spider Hero? What? Seriously, who is that guy?
The comic was written by Al Ewing, with interior art by Greg Land, who was also the cover artist for the regular edition (below left):
There were two other covers for this issue (above) with the regular edition (Diamond code: SEP130668) and the 1:50 retailer incentive variant, with a cover by Ronald Wimberly (Diamond code: SEP130669).
Oddly there was a communication from Diamond suggesting this variant was cancelled but it seems to have been widely available hence seems to have been a post-distribution cancellation (and the variant was removed from their previews website):
The Avengers #23 Eminem Variants INF (Reg./Sketch: AUG138279, $3.99 / AUG138280) and Mighty Avengers #3 Eminem Variants INF (Reg./Sketch: AUG138281, $3.99 / AUG138282) have been cancelled and will not be resolicited.
The Larocca Edition has been noted as a "Marvel Custom Solutions" variant and hit the shops November 6, 2013, a day after the release of Eminem's The Marshall Mathers LP 2, shown below. The cover features a picture of Eminem's childhood home, which was damaged by fire the same month the album hit the shops and was demolished in 2014.
In mid-April 2021, CGC recorded 197 gradings of the "Larroca Variant Cover" in their census, with 130 in the top grade of 9.8 (near mint / mint).
At that same time, CBCS recorded thirteen gradings of the "Eminem Variant" in their population report, with eleven in the top grade of 9.8.
In early 2021, copies of the variant were going for $70-$140, with 9.8 graded copies going for $300 plus. over $200.
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