Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1 Select Virgin Variants (2019 series)
Marvel Comics, published date: December 2019 (in shops: 2019-10-30).
Right now on eBay
Jung-Geun Yoon 1:200 Incentive Variant

Right now on eBay
Greg Land 1:500 Incentive Variant

When Galactus' corpse appears at the edge of Earth's solar system, the Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four investigate. Too late, they discover that Galactus' body is now the vessel of an interstellar terror, which one-by-one transforms Earth's Mightiest Heroes into the universe's most terrifying predators! As our heroes try to escape the superpowered, cannibalistic aberrations that were once their friends and family, will any survive? And even if they do, can they hope to protect Earth from the infestation that has already claimed half of the known universe?
Don't miss the FIRST ISSUE of this terrifying new vision of the classic Marvel tale!
This issue (in shops the day before Halloween 2019) was written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson with interior art by Leonard Kirk. The virgin variants featured here are the Greg Land 1:500 retailer incentive cover (Diamond code: AUG190969 ; barcode: 7-59606-09678-7-00161) and the Jung-Geun Yoon 1:200 retailer incentive cover (Diamond code: AUG190967 ; barcode: 7-59606-09678-7-00151).
Above, out in the solar system Galactus appears to be dead and the Silver Surfer (below) seems to be hungry:
In late-October 2020, the CGC Census recorded five gradings for the Yoon Virgin variant (four grading the highest at 9.8) and eight of the Land Virgin variant (six in the highest grade of 9.8).
In that same time, CBCS recorded three gradings of the Yoon 1:200 variant (all in 9.8) and three of the Land 1:500 variant (again all in 9.8).