Milk And Cheese:
The Special Edition (Mail-Away)
Slave Labor, 1997.

Milk & Cheese (a.k.a. "dairy products gone bad") apparently first appeared in the last issue (#6) of Greed magazine (Bleak House Publishing, Winter 1988 issue / January 1989).
This is a special mail-away comic with story, cover & art by Evan Dorkin, produced almost a decade later.
In 2008, Dorkin described this edition as "Milk and Cheese: The Stupid Edition" on his live journal and went on to say:
"The Special Edition, published in 1997, and one of my dumber ideas, business-wise, if not necessarily comics-wise (there are a lot of contenders for that). Actually, the high concept wasn't mine, a friend suggested it, but my mistake was to turn the bit into a 16-page mini-comic . My second mistake was making it an SLG exclusive available only through conventions and mail order. I don't have the time to go into my thinking on that one."
"I intend to include the material in the second M&C collection, which will be released sometime after 2026. If I live that long."
Note that the material was eventually collected in the 2011 release: Milk And Cheese: Dairy Products Gone Bad! HC (with subtitle: "Death to False Comics!!!").
The CGC Census has a single copy graded at 9.8 on Signature Series with the label text: "SIGNED & SKETCH BY EVAN DORKIN ON 6/21/14". The title is noted as: "Milk & Cheese: The Special Edition".
A "VF" copy sold on ebay in April 2016 for $50 but these rarely come up for sale so they can be hard to get hold of.
Right now on eBay