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Miracleman Book Three: Olympus

Eclipse Books, 1991.

Guide: $125 NM
Est. qty: low
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2 Star Rating: Low Distribution 1,001-10,000 Low Dist. Miracleman Book #3 TPB
Guide: $225 NM
Est. qty: lower
Right now on eBay

Hard Cover

2 Star Rating: Low Distribution 1,001-10,000 Low Dist. Miracleman Book 3 Olympus HC sml

There are two editions of this book, the first is the trade paper back (TPB) released in September 1991, closely followed by the hard cover (HC) in December of the same year.

Book 3 collects issues #11-16 of the Miracleman saga by Alan Moore and John Totleben. Miracleman rises to godlike stature and builds a utopian society but first he must face a deadly challenge from Kid Miracleman, his former sidekick. This book includes the infamous "Death of Kid Miracleman" from issue #15 of the original Eclipse Miracleman comics and is the most valuable of all the collected editions.

Miracleman Book #3 Signed and Sketched by John Totleben

Marvel Comics are now reprinting the original Miracleman series, producing collected editions as they progress. This may affect the value of the Eclipse editions, only time will tell, but these Eclipse copies are the original collected editions and quite rare so will always be sought after.