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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 Wondercon Panel Exclusive
Boom! Studios, published: March 2018; available: 2018-03-24 (Wondercon)

The main story "Shattered Grid" in the issue was written by Kyle Higgins with interior art by Daniele Di Nicuolo. Also in the issue was a "Blue Senturion & Ninjor" story by Ryan Ferrier with art by Bachan.
Drakkon returns and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will never be the same. The "SHATTERED GRID" event begins here! Please note: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 will be black polybagged and shipped with (6) randomly assorted main covers by Goñi Montes in equal quantities. For every 25 copies ordered, a special chase variant by Goñi Montes will be shipped black polybagged like the main covers. Variant covers H-K will not be polybagged.
Above are the six Goñi Montes covers and the 1:25 that were poly-bagged randomly plus the second print (also by Montes but not poly-bagged). From left to right, top to bottom:
- Cover A: Black Ranger
- Cover B: Blue Ranger
- Cover C: Green Ranger
- Cover D: Pink Ranger
- Cover E: Red Ranger
- Cover F: Yellow Ranger
- Cover G: 1:25 Chase 'Saba Sword' Variant
- Second Print
Below are a number of the other variants also available:
From left to right, top to bottom we have (with any known Diamond code and barcode prefix in brackets):
- Jordan Gibson Subscription variant (JAN181313/25021)
- Scott Koblish wraparound variant (JAN181314/25031)
- Humberto Ramos Unlockable Variant (JAN181315/25041)
- Goñi Montes Virgin variant - one per store (JAN181316/25051)
- Marc Laming C2E2 2018 Retailer Summit Virgin Exclusive (-/25071)
- Lucas Werneck Fried Pie Exclusive (-/25081)
- David Finch C2E2 2018 ComicSketchArt.com Exclusive (-/25091)
- David Finch C2E2 2018 ComicSketchArt.com Virgin Exclusive (-/25101)
- Goñi Montes Lord Drakkon Virgin Art Convention Exclusive (-/25151)
- Daniel Bayliss Second Printing Jesse James Comics eBay Wraparound Exclusive (-/25022)
- Lucas Werneck Second Printing WonderWorld Exclusive (-/25042)
- Power Morphicon Variant(-/-)
- Jason David Frank Facebook Shop Variant (-/-)
The Goñi Montes "Black Virgin Art Exclusive" Wondercon variant featured here was only available from the Boom panel (one per person) and came with some rules(!):
This comic was selling well in early 2018, with several raw copies going for over $240. It seems to have cooled at the time of writing (October 2019) but it is still a rare item.
Right now on eBay