Civil War II #0 Land Variant
1 in 1,000 Retailer Incentive
Marvel Comics, July 2016.

Civil War II #0, written by Brian Michael Bendis, was released in May 2016 with numerous variants available, most of which are shown below:
The covers included:
- Olivier Coipel: regular cover
- Olivier Coipel: SDCC Previews Exclusive Black & White Variant
- Olivier Coipel: Second Printing
- Esad Ribic: Color Variant
- Esad Ribic: Previews UK Exclusive Black & White Variant
- Terry Dodson: Megacon Orlando Exlusive Color Variant
- Terry Dodson: Megacon Orlando / Coliseum Of Comics Exlusive
- Terry Dodson: Fan Expo variant
- Kim Jung Ji: Black & White Virgin Connecting Variant
- Phil Noto: Kamala Khan Variant
- Humberto Ramos: Stan Lee Collectibles Exclusive Variant
- Rob Liefield: Hastings exclusive variant
- Jamal Campbell: Fried Pie Comics Variant
- Greg Land: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fallen Agent Variant Cover.
In terms of rarity, the pick of the bunch is the Greg Land cover, which was a 1:1000 retailer incentive variant:
CGC categorizes this as the "Land Variant Cover" and only 5 were recorded in the CGC census at the start of October 2016.
These comics are hard to get hold of and usually get snapped up quickly, selling for hundreds of dollars each.