Miracleman #15
Eclipse, November 1988.

Please note that a number of collectors, including ourselves, have used a print run source for Miracleman that was misleading (many thanks for the feedback on this). The print run data for Miracleman has been revised and is now significantly higher than originally thought (but it remains as estimates only as no truly accurate print data exists for the series other than #1 was around 135,000 and #2 around 90,000). Although the comic does not really qualify for the Rare section now (print run well over 7,000), it will be left here to preserve any links to this page and it is also a very interesting key 80's comic.
This is the rarest of the Alan Moore Miracleman (originally Marvelman from UK Warrior anthology) comics, which ran from issue #1 to #16, and it is a classic. The story contains horrific scenes of carnage and destruction by Kid Miracleman, who destroys most of London and it's inhabitants. During an epic battle he kills Aza Chorn but is fatally injured and turns back into Johnny Bates to save himself, only to be quietly killed by Miracleman.
Above is one of a small number (less than 100) of Alan Moore CGC Signature Series comics. There are plenty of signed Moore comics available but very few have been witnessed by a CGC Signature Series authorized witness. This one has been cracked open (again by an authorized witness) and has also been signed by John Totleben then re-slabbed.
The masterful art by John Totleben reflects the dark nature of the story, starting with the gruesome cover, the original art for which is known to be worth over $50,000!
In the Fall/Autumn of 2011, a number of comics were signed by John Totleben, with a limited number of sketches. These are rare items given that Totleben is not an artist on the regular signing circuit (he does not attend conventions) and he is also legally blind, although his condition does allow some central vision. Below are 8 head sketches and a logo sketch known to have been completed for Miracleman #15 by Totleben in 2011:
Although the print run was relatively small, these comics are regularly available on auction sites and a top grade (CGC 9.8) copy can be obtained for around $350. However, if you are after a unique head sketch and signature with a CGC 9.8 yellow label, this could set you back $1,100 or more (!), although these are now all in the hands of Miracleman collectors (and a number are in the top CGC registry sets).